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- Koolitarbed. kunstitarbed (0)
- Looduslikud kreemid, hambapastad, nätsud (0)
- Madratsid ja magamiskotid (0)
- Remonditarvikud ja tööriistad (0)
- Sport. puhkus. matkamine (0)
- Ajule, mälule, närvisüsteemile, stressi vastu (0)
- Gluteeni- ja laktoosivabad tooted (0)
- Gluteeni- ja laktoosivabad tooted (0)
- Kolmerattalised jalgrattad (3)
- Mänguasjad ja kiikhobused (4)
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- Mänguväljakute aksessuaarid (0)
- Mänguväljakute lisamoodulid (0)
- Pealeistutavad sõidukid ja rattad (0)
The ultimate catch and release fishing program and a fun way to encourage eye-hand and fine motor development. Set contains a fishing pool, 4 magnetic fishing rods and 20 pieces of fish with number on the back side. Play it as a game as well as a toy.Encourages social interaction and can be used to help with simple counting and addition.
Natural, Safe, Educational and Fun are the label of VIGA toys.
Play with Viga toys helping your child to develop logical thinking and motor skill.
Have a lot of joy with fun.
The paints and inks on Viga toys are non-toxic, safety for child.
All the toys are comply with European Safety Toys EN71 & ASTM Standards.
The ultimate catch and release fishing program and a fun way to encourage eye-hand and fine motor development. Set contains a fishing pool, 4 magnetic fishing rods and 20 pieces of fish with number on the back side. Play it as a game as well as a toy.Encourages social interaction and can be used to help with simple counting and addition.
Natural, Safe, Educational and Fun are the label of VIGA toys.
Play with Viga toys helping your child to develop logical thinking and motor skill.
Have a lot of joy with fun.
The paints and inks on Viga toys are non-toxic, safety for child.
All the toys are comply with European Safety Toys EN71 & ASTM Standards.