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You’ll be so impressed when you see a new bike-TOBI!
Are you ready for an adventure?
TOBI is the perfect solution for babies who are just starting to learn to ride a bike and they still can’t maintain a balance on two wheels but they want to move on their own. Four wheels provide exceptional stability, safety and comfort at home and on the road, such as on the sidewalk. Soft non-slip handles with casings will provide protection for the babys hand, and a properly profiled seat will increase comfort and safety. TOBIEs unusual design allows the 18-month-old baby to direct his first vehicle. The rider exercises the motor, strength and leg muscles, and takes care of motor coordination. This will allow the baby to develop properly and quickly.
This sensational ride will prepare your child to ride independently on a larger bike. TOBI is lightweight, futuristic and comfortable to transport. Babies have a lot of fun.
Product characteristics:
- lightweight plastic bike made of high quality solid plastic
- steering wheel stop
- futuristic design
- anti-slip handles with casings
- 7 " wheels
- plain bearings
- maximum load 20 kg
- for babies 18-36 months
- 6 colour versions: red-black, black-yellow, pink-green, black-blue, black-green,
- meets European safety standards
You’ll be so impressed when you see a new bike-TOBI!
Are you ready for an adventure?
TOBI is the perfect solution for babies who are just starting to learn to ride a bike and they still can’t maintain a balance on two wheels but they want to move on their own. Four wheels provide exceptional stability, safety and comfort at home and on the road, such as on the sidewalk. Soft non-slip handles with casings will provide protection for the babys hand, and a properly profiled seat will increase comfort and safety. TOBIEs unusual design allows the 18-month-old baby to direct his first vehicle. The rider exercises the motor, strength and leg muscles, and takes care of motor coordination. This will allow the baby to develop properly and quickly.
This sensational ride will prepare your child to ride independently on a larger bike. TOBI is lightweight, futuristic and comfortable to transport. Babies have a lot of fun.
Product characteristics:
- lightweight plastic bike made of high quality solid plastic
- steering wheel stop
- futuristic design
- anti-slip handles with casings
- 7 " wheels
- plain bearings
- maximum load 20 kg
- for babies 18-36 months
- 6 colour versions: red-black, black-yellow, pink-green, black-blue, black-green,
- meets European safety standards